Having sticky notes posted on your desk used to enough to help manage your projects and ensure efficient engagement used to be enough in the times of traditional business practices. However, with everything going online now, it is being recommended that every business should use a mixture of offline and online methods to help reach out to all kinds of stakeholders.
We’ve compiled a list of some of the best online consultation mapping tools available and the benefits that they will have for your business engagement.
1. Engagement Hub
Engagement Hub is like no other software as it is the only integrated stakeholder management and community engagement tool. It offers the ease of use, cost effectiveness and security while helping the organizations to achieve a high engagement and participation rate with the stakeholders while reporting processes and streamlining administration.
It is your enterprise level SaaS adopting the latest technologies in cybersecurity, while regularly adding value in service through its customer support.
2. Social Pinpoint
Social Pinpoint combines digital mapping with online engagement to enable your stakeholders to provide feedback more interactively. This tool is very helpful for the plans and projects that are dependent on the geographical demographics and thus can be presented on a map. Also, the administrators have direct access to live reporting and moderating comments.
Many businesses use this tool to engage their communities to leave a positive or negative feedback as per their geographical locations.
3. Consultation Manager
Consolidation manager is very useful in consolidating your entire online as well as offline data in the cloud, into a centralized knowledge base. It not just stores the entire history of all your interactions with your entire community and all your stakeholders, but also tracks and reports it while allowing features like integration of emails and SMS.
This tool is used to track all the engagements with stakeholders on different projects and then create a report about what actually concerns the people so they can be engaged effectively.
4. Engagement HQ
Engagement tool provides you multiple tools like surveys, Q&A sections, forums and guest books to engage with your stakeholders so that you can know what they expect of you. It also provides an analytical report to help you understand how you are performing while engaging with your stakeholders so that you can improve your communication.
You will find a digital map and ideation board in this software that would let you present all your project related information to the stakeholders effectively.
5. Harvest Digital Planning
Harvest Digital Planning helps you in engaging with your stakeholders and communities in a more interactive and enjoyable manner by taking their feedback on your project from time to time in the form of surveys. They offer a simple approach to communicate strategies and plans through meaningful content.
You can create a website using this tool to allow your stakeholders to directly provide their inpur and feedback in the functioning of your projects and business concerning them.
Summing It Up
All of these tools are designed to help you promote and manage your projects effectively and some of them even provide you customization options also. You can research about all this online consultation mapping tools that suit your business requirements the most and use it to up your level of stakeholders’ engagement.